Privacy Policy

1. Collection and Use of Information

1.1 Personal Information


We do not collect users' personal information. Any information related to personal identity when using our applications is processed locally and is not stored or transmitted to our servers.


1.2 Non-Personal Information


We may collect some non-personal information, such as device information and log information, to improve application performance and user experience.


2. Confidentiality and Sharing of Information

We are committed to strictly protecting the security of user information and will not sell, trade, or transfer any user's personal information to third parties. Information may be shared only in cases required by law, with user consent, or to protect the company's interests.


3. Protection of Privacy Rights

As we do not collect personal information, users do not need to exercise privacy rights. For concerns about privacy practices, contact us via the provided email address.


4. Notification of Changes

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. Significant changes will be communicated through in-app notifications or posted notices on the company website.


5. Data Access and Correction

Users have the right to access their personal information and request corrections. For such requests, please contact us with detailed information.


6. Scope of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies only to our applications and does not extend to third-party services or applications, even if accessed through our applications.


7. Contact Us

For questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or for other reasons to contact us, please use the following email address: [email protected].